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Posts related to ‘liability claims’

January 25, 2024
Gary Wilson and Lee Stevens — technical directors, complex liability, Sedgwick, UK
The basics of product liability for injury and damage claims

As adjusters and claims handlers, we frequently encounter claims relating to alleged defects or failures of products or services. In addition to common law duties and bespoke contracts entered into, there is legislation to consider, depending upon wh…

January 25, 2024 by Gary Wilson and Lee Stevens — technical directors, complex liability, Sedgwick, UK
September 26, 2023
Max Koonce
chief claims officer
Stabilizing litigation in a volatile world

The frequency of litigation in liability insurance claims is increasing incrementally as impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic subside. While litigation remains a small percentage of overall claim volume, the cost of resolving those claims is disproportio…

September 26, 2023 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer
September 13, 2023
complex liability, technical director - International UK
RAAC: potential issues and liability implications

Given recent media interest regarding reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), Sedgwick’s liability claims services group consider what the potential issues are, and what the current liability implications might be. What is RAAC? Autoclaved…

September 13, 2023 by Graham Ginn, ABEng ACII CIP FCILA FUEDI-ELAE FIFAA BDMA Tech (Ins) , complex liability, technical director - International UK
September 01, 2023
Neil Wright
director, professional liability claims
Navigating professional indemnity insurance

Professional indemnity insurance — also referred to as professional liability or errors and omissions — is used by lawyers, accountants and other professionals who require expert guidance and coverage for their business. In this podcast, …

September 01, 2023 by Neil Wright, director, professional liability claims
August 28, 2023
Bob Richards
OAM, national executive adjuster
Understanding proximate cause

In the insurance space, the concept of proximate cause plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome of insurance claims. Insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for specific perils and damages, but when multiple events occur simultaneo…

August 28, 2023 by Bob Richards, OAM, national executive adjuster
June 01, 2023
Yolanda Suarez
senior adjuster - liability
5 ways to minimise the risk of hindsight biases in personal injury investigations

When it comes to personal injury investigations, hindsight biases can lead to inaccurate assessments of causation and fault. Hindsight bias is considered a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people evaluate past events and overestimate their a…

June 01, 2023 by Yolanda Suarez, senior adjuster - liability
May 25, 2023
Kathy Conway
VP, specialty operations
Curbing medical malpractice claim costs amid social inflation

Today’s industry professionals are very familiar with the phenomenon of social inflation, in which insurers’ claim costs increase faster than general economic inflation. In the medical malpractice space in which my team operates, I’ve observed case v…

May 25, 2023 by Kathy Conway, VP, specialty operations
April 13, 2023
Richard Lumby
liability technical and audit manager
Liability lessons on low value personal injury claims

As we approach the tenth anniversary of the introduction of qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS) to low value personal injury claims, a recently unreported case from Liverpool County Court has sparked new discussion around liability investigations…

April 13, 2023 by Richard Lumby, liability technical and audit manager
March 30, 2023
Talei Morgan
head of liability - Australia
Supermarket slip and fall incidents: navigating personal injury claims

An increasing number of advertisements have surfaced across some states in Australia for personal injury claims as a result of slip and fall incidents in supermarkets. A recent ACT Court of Appeal decision may explain this development. A look b…

March 30, 2023 by Talei Morgan, head of liability - Australia
March 29, 2023
Roeland Kort, expert major and complex loss & marine surveyor and Michael Aupperlee, marine surveyor
Getting ahead of marine liability risks

When goods and machinery are produced on one side of the world and shipped to another, challenges arise. After a loss, there are documents to review, shipping regulations to navigate and liability issues to uncover. Whether a company is shipping peri…

March 29, 2023 by Roeland Kort, expert major and complex loss & marine surveyor and Michael Aupperlee, marine surveyor
March 07, 2023
Nigel Lambert
liability technical and audit manager
Property disrepair claims – An awakening

The UK media have extensively reported on the issue of mould caused by property disrepair following the death of Awaab Ishak. The Coroner issued a Regulation 28: report to prevent further deaths to The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communi…

March 07, 2023 by Nigel Lambert, liability technical and audit manager
February 21, 2023
Richard Lumby BA (Hons); G Dip (Law); BDMA Ins Tech
liability technical and audit manager, Sedgwick International UK
Navigating vicarious liability in the UK

The recent decision in Steven Kennedy v Sheldon Inns Ltd (t/a The Kings Arms) [2022] involving an altercation at a pub has added to the library of decisions regarding vicarious liability. There is little doubt the insurance industry has contributed…

February 21, 2023 by Richard Lumby BA (Hons); G Dip (Law); BDMA Ins Tech , liability technical and audit manager, Sedgwick International UK
December 22, 2022
Chris Mayo - senior vice president, operations | James Paprocki - managing director | Clint Christman - vice president, client services
Cultivating concierge-level service

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, our industry has adopted technology more rapidly. As a result, we’ve found new opportunities to incorporate digital solutions that streamline and enhance the claims process — from field apps to intuitiv…

December 22, 2022 by Chris Mayo - senior vice president, operations | James Paprocki - managing director | Clint Christman - vice president, client services
December 19, 2022
Chris Frechette
vice president, liability practice
Reevaluating no-fault auto insurance: a tale of two PIP states

The promise of savings and disenchantment with the time and cost of litigating automobile claims in the courts gave rise to “personal injury protection” (PIP) and a “no-fault” approach to auto insurance in the 1970s. Under this system, the injured pa…

December 19, 2022 by Chris Frechette, vice president, liability practice
December 09, 2022
Milly Karlsen – teamleder, motorskade-avdeling
Nye regler - Slik skal skader på el-sparkesykler behandles fra 1. januar

Les den engelske versjonen.El-sparkesykler er noe vi er blitt stadig mer vant til å se. Flere kommersielle aktører har etablert seg, i bybildet og i boligstrøk, med fremkomstmidler som kan leies enkelt ved bruk av en app på mobiltelefonen. I tillegg …

December 09, 2022 by Milly Karlsen – teamleder, motorskade-avdeling
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End of results.